Critical Issues and Success Factors
Pulse Measurement
This is a one-on-one interview-based discovery program undertaken by one of our most Senior Consultants to provide a concise assessment of the health of your organization and to quantify the employee stagnation gap.
- An engineered process, typically lasting from one to ten days of a Senior Consultant’s time.
- Undertaken with each member of the C-Suite, starting with the CEO, to determine the organization’s Strategic Essence.
- Tailored to each organization’s exact requirements.
A process which applies measurement tools for selected Critical Factors and prioritizes their results in a measurable Action Plan.
The process:
- Identify a list of Critical Factors which are weighted and scored in order of priority by the C-Suite team.
- StratGap© Strategic Gap Analysis – these results are shared with the C-Suite in a structured manner that facilitates understanding, problem ownership and problem resolution.
- StratAction© Strategic Action Plan – this process ensures that the resulting Action Plan is practical and capable of effective implementation.
Vitality Vision and Mission
We help refine your Vision and Mission Statements to create clear communication of your intentions to become a Vitality Leader in the market.
We help define and communicate what Vitality Culture means for your organization, and your intention of transforming business-as-usual to a high Vitality organization for all functions and all levels.
We help develop policies that support the development and implementation of Vitality programs, reward individual participation – “What’s in it for me?” – leverage employee choice, and applaud personal incentive.