Problem:Organizations are floundering because of employee stagnation – this represents a lack of engagement on steroids!

Solution:A comprehensive, strategically-focused Vitalize program.
Strategic Learning

Core Skill application
Employee stagnation deepens over time; it is a long-term sediment which inhibits thought, initiative, vision, and care.
Transforming this sediment into Vitalized personal initiative requires consistent training in Strategic Core Skills that demand interactive application and provide Integrated Incentives for continual personal reward.
Vitalize Your Workforce will define and provide a set of Strategic Core Skills which, when consistently implemented across an organization, will create ongoing opportunity and Vitality.

Vitality Circles
Vitality Circles within each function enable Strategic Core Skills to be taught in a familiar environment while using the department’s own language.
Together with manager and peer mentoring, and combined with the tracking of Strategic Core Skill applications, each employee will be rewarded with new opportunities.

Universal Mentoring
Mentoring can no longer be reserved for a privileged few.
It should be taught, learned, shared, and practiced at all levels and across all functions.
Vitalize Your Workforce embeds mentoring as a key requisite in all Strategic Core Skill Requirements, facilitating constant learning and opportunity awareness, while enabling the rapid transfer of skills to adapt to the changing needs of both the employees and the organization.
For more information, please refer to our FAQs or Contact Us for more details.
Business Information
Vitalize! Your Workforce
Beyond Resilience, LLC
PO Box 227, Somerville
New Jersey 08876
Email: info@vitalizeyourworkforce.com
Phone: +1 908-876-1848